Ultimate Team Mastery

Spend some time with the MASTERS in DENTISTRY to build your ULTIMATE TEAM.

Register Now!

In only One hour per month, add Six Figures to Your Bottom Line!

The Ultimate Team Mastery program provides 12 hours of CE with renowned dental practice advisors Linda Miles and Dr. Tanya Brown.

Increase productivity, lower stress, and improve your bottom line with Ultimate Team Mastery’s 12 on-hour Sessions.

Gain new skills and renewed focus on topics like:

  • Leadership and Communication
  • Ideal Scheduling
  • Collections
  • Patient Retention
  • Increasing Case Acceptance
  • Future of Dentistry
  • and more

Join UTM to work SMARTER. Dream big and let Linda Miles and Tanya Brown take you there.

For more information for Ultimate Team Mastery, visit UltimateTeamMastery.com.