Presentation Topics

Dental Speaker and Consultant

Here are some of Dr. Tanya Brown’s most popular topics. To schedule her for your next event, contact us.


Any high performing dental team can tell you that the key to greater case acceptance is to have a foundation of trust and communication. Dr. Tanya Brown can teach you and your team simple steps to help your patients say “YES.”

Gain the tools you need to create a more powerful new patient experience. Learn how to connect instantly with your patients. Discover new techniques for uncovering your patients’ needs and wants. Rethink case presentation and achieve higher case acceptance and increased productivity.

You and your team will learn how to:

  • Improve communication with patients
  • Build trust and rapport from the first phone call to your office
  • Uncover your patients’ wants and priorities
  • Turn “Let me think about it” to “Let’s get started!”
  • Increase productivity and case acceptance


Have you and your team been working harder than ever and still seeing less than stellar results? Bring your team to this action-packed program and learn the top 5 ways to make your practice a masterpiece!

You can be more successful, more patient-centered and more profitable. Learn the secrets that can transform you into a high-performing dental team. Discover how leadership and communication can keep patients happy, schedules filled, and case acceptance high!

You and your team will learn how to:

  • Master the art of communication
  • Create an unforgettable patient experience
  • Increase profitability and productivity
  • Double your case acceptance
  • Get off the treadmill for good!


Every dental professional should know that a dental assistant can “make or break” the practice and patient experience. If you and your dental assistant are ready to become a more effective, productive, and profitable team, this program is for you!

During this session, you will discuss common challenges and discover proven solutions to help you forge a more powerful and dynamic partnership. Reach an even greater level of patient care and improve the practice environment for you, your team, and your patients.

You and your team will learn how to:

  • Speak each other’s “language”
  • Better understand one another’s roles in an effective partnership
  • Think like a dentist and act like an assistant
  • Create vital systems for increased productivity & efficiency
  • Provide more efficient and patient-centered care


The most highly successful dentists unlock their team’s full potential for patient engagement and productivity. Come join this program to learn practical, proven, real-world secrets that allow you to retain your autonomy as “Captain of your own ship,” while enjoying healthy, profitable business growth.

Discover how effective leadership and teamwork can create higher revenues, a more patient-centric environment, and a dynamic high-performing team. Bring your whole team to benefit from this engaging and action-packed program.

You and your team will:

  • Get everyone on the same page for enhanced teamwork
  • Learn the “must-have” practice protocols for increased productivity
  • Discover the “best in class” secrets of truly patient-centric practices
  • Unlock simple steps to higher efficiency and profitability


Everyone wants to be a part of something special. We all want to experience the joy of knowing our contributions make a difference in someone’s life. In building her practice from scratch, Dr. Tanya Brown knew she wanted to create a productive, high-performing team. Along the path to her own success, she identified key elements that she has used repeatedly and with great success to create rock star dental teams.

Whether your challenges are team disharmony, schedule overload, or poor case acceptance, Dr. Tanya Brown reveals simple, effective steps that can help you and your team transform into the rock stars you long to be. Everything you need for success is already within you. Let Dr. Brown show you how to start becoming a high-performing rock star team starting Monday!

You and your team will:

  • Learn to uncover your patients’ true pain
  • Master the languages of communication
  • Customize your practice protocols
  • Increase efficiency and strategic planning skills
  • Boost patient satisfaction, case acceptance, and profitability


Words matter. Words are powerful tools we use to describe how we feel about others, ourselves, and our future. Whether you are speaking to another person or to yourself, words help create and shape your reality. How you think, feel, and communicate can have a profound effect on your ability to recognize opportunities, perform at your best level, and achieve your goals.

In this inspirational talk, Dr. Tanya Brown will share her own journey from fear to success through consciously changing her self-talk. Along the way, she will teach you the words that can help you become the winner you are meant to be.

You will learn:

  • How words can create and shape your reality
  • “Power” words that impact you, both negatively and positively
  • How to consciously reshape your self-talk for success
  • Inspiration to embrace your best YOU